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Fit to the Core was founded in December 2020. Our ambition is to run Malmö’s greatest Pilates studio in order to preserve and develop the amazing legacy that Joseph Pilates has given the world. Our instructors are internationally certified and you can expect world class teaching of classical Pilates.


In our studio you can also see therapists with extensive experience in massage and naprapathy

who can help you with different treatments.


Nina Pal

- Pilates Instructor -

- Naprapath -

 - Medical Massage Therapist -

Nina is a licensed naprapath and certified Pilates instructor with extensive experience in both fields. She also has a foundational education as a medical massage therapist.


After her graduation, Nina started working as a licensed naprapath at Studiopilates in Helsingborg. There she successfully treated patients with chronic pain and helped numerous people achieve a higher quality of life with less pain. Nina’s knowledge of both naprapathy and Pilates gives her a unique holistic perspective that can help address both acute and chronic problems.

Nina also has a long athletic career in martial arts, roller derby, strength training, as well a great interest in practicing classic pilates herself.

Anna Jönsson

- Pilates Instructor -

- Certified PT & Nutrition advisor -

 - Medical Massage Therapist -

Anna is a certified massage therapist and nutrition advisor. She is currently pursuing further education to become a medical massage therapist and a Pilates instructor.

Anna has a passion for helping people overcome pain and improve their overall well-being.

Anna's approach is holistic and personalized. She begins with a thorough assessment to identify the root cause of your pain or discomfort, tailoring a treatment plan that aligns with your individual needs and preferences. Her background in martial arts, including handball, karate, Basic Muay Thai, and strength training, allows her to incorporate elements of these disciplines into your treatment, adding an engaging and effective dimension to your rehabilitation journey.

- Our background -



Certifierad Comprehensive Pilates Teacher






Licensed Naprapath



Medical Massage Therapist



Certifierad Comprehensive Pilates Teacher





Licensed Naprapath



Medical Massage Therapist

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